Manually Publish-When Not Connected To A Destination

Even if you do not have Kapost integrated with your CMS, you can still benefit from using Kapost's pre-production and workflow tools.

When not connected to a destination

You can mark a content as "Published" to complete the last step in your workflow (you can also name it "mark as complete" for example). If you are not connected to a publishing destination when you click the Publish button, a pop-up will appear.

This window will contain the HTML code of your post as it exists in Kapost. Copy and paste this code into your CMS and then publish. This HTML code also contains the Kapost Analytics code for tracking purposes. Clicking Mark Content as Published allows you to mark your post as completed/published.

When connected to a destination

If you are connected to a publishing destination, but still want to find the HTML code, click on View Content HTML.

When you click on Publish as Draft, a Published URL is generated where you can update or copy the URL. Once published in your CMS, do not forget to update the Published URL so that Kapost can track analytics on the asset.

Note: You cannot update the URL manually if the content is published to Kapost Cloud. Refer to Publish and Unpublish Content on Kapost Cloud and Publish Content in Studio.